Where's the first place you're going to visit when it's safe to travel again?

The view from my friend's balcony that embodies everything I love about Parisian rooftops. The things I would do for a view like this now. (Or even just a balcony in general.)
I always find myself wandering back to Rue Cler, for it is quite simply foodie heaven. Le Petit Cler has been consistently delightful over the years, serving up classic French charm and delectable bistro staples.

Strolling and wandering aimlessly is my favorite Parisian pastime. Getting lost is the best way to get to know the soul of the city; it's the art of flânerie. This city is worth more than hastily bouncing from one attraction to the next. And its those hurried hordes of tourists that end up not liking Paris, deciding that the city is entirely overrated. No wonder the French are generally annoyed with us. (For the record, Americans annoy me too. I'm siding with the French here.)

Aside from indulging on omelettes, buckwheat crepes, frites, and every gluten free pastry I can get my hands on, you know what else I can't wait for? Shopping. ALL. THE. SHOPPING. Can you blame me? I work in the fashion industry. Paris is the mothership.

À bientôt, Paris. Can't wait until we meet again.
My list is steadily growing. Going back to Stockholm to visit one of my best friends. Taking a mother + daughter pilgrimage to Italy. Indulging in a tropical vacation, perhaps to Mexico or Costa Rica. And of course, Paris. Without a question.

I could spew vitriol about the show Emily in Paris for days. (And if you watch my Instagram Stories, you've probably seen me do just that.) Aside from it being a gross misrepresentation of life abroad and a general abomination, its appeal - however basic it may be - illustrates the intoxicating power of escapism. The only thing that got me through the first episode was the b-roll. And to be honest, I resent that even the subpar b-roll footage made me nostalgic and heart sick for the first city I ever truly loved.
My obsession with Paris started when I was a teen, years before I ever visited, and hasn't really subsided since. (So naturally, I majored in Spanish and lived in Spain for a total of 3.5 years, right?) Regardless, in between my many visits, I had the opportunity to live there for a month in college "studying" Surrealist art and literature. It was perfect.
I've recounted my love for Paris many times on this blog, not that anyone actually reads blogs anymore; and if anyone is actually reading this... congratulations on consuming content beyond Instagram. Or, oh god, Tik Tok (shudders). I commend your attention span.
While re-editing these photos from my last trip in spring 2016, I was at least temporarily able to transport myself back there for a while. Consider this a brain dump of everything I'm looking forward to when I can make it back to Paris, whenever that may be.

Place de l'Odéon will always be my preferred plaza in Paris, since it's where my mom and I stayed during my first visit. The neighborhood's side streets are home to many memories and treasured spots, including two of my favorite restaurants in Paris: Les Éditeurs and Au Petit Suisse.

I've since given up dairy, sugar, and pretty much everything processed... but Ladurée will always be my love language.
Am I the only one who is slightly disappointed that you can find these everywhere now? I miss the good old days when you had to hand carry boxes home on a 12 hour flight, maybe sneaking a few bites on the plane. I quietly resent that there are now several shops in Los Angeles. It's like if In-N-Out Burger were to expand aggressively outside California. Just not the same.

It isn't easy finding gluten free meals in Paris, let alone gluten free pastries. Enter Chambelland, a hidden gem of a gluten free boulangerie that I absolutely cannot wait to revisit.

Speaking of gluten free pastries, Helmut Newcake did not disappoint. After being diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2010, shortly after my first trip to Paris, I never thought I'd devour an éclair again. I'm always thrilled to be proven wrong about these things.

Fashion. Food. Wine. Art. Literature. Architecture. Romance. It's no wonder this city is notorious for inspiring and enchanting everyone from peasants like myself to the likes of Hemingway and Gertrude Stein. It's legendary for a reason. Excuse me while I open a bottle of Bordeaux, turn on Midnight in Paris, and cry.